SAB S04E06 "Black and Gray"

Sorry, I didn't get to update on SAB last week. I spend a week being sick and bad, but now I'm all good again :)
So, last week's episode was "At the First Clear Word" and tonight is it the episode "Black and Gray" that's airing.
There's only released a promo of the upcoming episode. So, enjoy.

We Were So Close That Nothing Used to Stand Between Us
ABC Family | iTunes | Amazon | Hulu

At the First Clear Word
ABC Family | iTunes | Amazon | Hulu

Captures: 4x3 I Lock the Door Upon Myself, 4x4 We Were So Close That Nothing Used to Stand Between Us

Black and Gray:
Bay's very personal matter goes public when the UMKC administration gets wind of the situation, and an investigation is launched. Now the unwitting participants must face the strong opinions of others, and face their own beliefs about what really happened.
Source: SpoilersGuide.
