Live chat with Lucas!

Always wanted to see Lucas online and get the oppertunity to say something to him and get a response? Maybe even see him over camera?
Well, you got a chance now!

Lucas's tweet: "Many of u have been asking me to do a live chat. Sorry it has taken me so long, but let's talk this Frid. 5pm PST. Link coming soon."

UPDATE: Plans changed! The chat have been moved till saturday 10AM instead! And it looks like Autumn might join the chat?

Check out Lucas & Autumn's tweet:

Lucas: "Change of plans! I'll be doing a live chat this Saturday 10AM PST." and "Doing a live video chat this Saturday at 10AM. Looking forward to talking with you! Posting link tomorrow."

Autumn: "Breakfast meeting w @mrgrabeel. Discussing live chat."

Now, some of you might not know what time that is in your country, so thanks to Google can I now link you a World Wide Clock so you can see what time it is in Los Angeles and then look at what time you got.

Please note, I am NOT responsible for wrong times or mixed up in anything! AND I might neither be able to post you a link for the chat, since he might tweet it a few minutes before it's happening! If you want to be sure that you catch him, follow his tweets on his official twitter. :)
